Zeitschriftenkiosk CHALLENGE M

Zeitschriftenkiosk - CHALLENGE M - Wall AG - Stahl
Zeitschriftenkiosk - CHALLENGE M - Wall AG - Stahl
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The vending kiosk Challenge M offers a variety of equipment options. It can serve as snack vending stand for warm and cold food, as a mini pub, or as a vending kiosk. The front cover moves up and serves as a projecting roof and sunscreen when the kiosk is open. Height (top ground surface): 2475 mm; Width (front view): 3274 mm; Width (side view): 2172 mm; Width (excl. "porch"): 1894 mm; Weight: ca. 2000 kg; Material: aluminium, high-grade steel, glass The basic "ship shape" - shaped like the deck of a boat - and distinctive surface structure lend the street furniture design line Challenge its solid, yet unobtrusive appeal. Design: Prof. Josef Paul Kleihues, Kleihues + Kleihues, Berlin. Variants: Vending kiosk Challenge S Vending kiosk Challenge L Vending kiosk Challenge flower kiosk


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