Glas-Eiskübel NICE ON ICE
für Gewerbegebrauch

Glas-Eiskübel - NICE ON ICE - COVO - für Gewerbegebrauch
Glas-Eiskübel - NICE ON ICE - COVO - für Gewerbegebrauch
Glas-Eiskübel - NICE ON ICE - COVO - für Gewerbegebrauch - Bild - 2
Glas-Eiskübel - NICE ON ICE - COVO - für Gewerbegebrauch - Bild - 3
Glas-Eiskübel - NICE ON ICE - COVO - für Gewerbegebrauch - Bild - 4
Glas-Eiskübel - NICE ON ICE - COVO - für Gewerbegebrauch - Bild - 5
Glas-Eiskübel - NICE ON ICE - COVO - für Gewerbegebrauch - Bild - 6
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für Gewerbegebrauch


Enjoying a drop of liquor is a pleasure that encompasses all of the senses, starting with sight: that is the thinking behind this collection of six glasses and a carafe for holding them together with the ice. The glass, the liquor and the ice are part of a single composition in which the transparency and sinuous forms produce delightful effects. 247 B10299 ø 4,2 cm – h 17,5 (glasses) ø 18 cm – h 11 (bowl ) 6 glasses set


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